Bugs might be the most annoying organism on the planet alongside kids. No, that's just a joke, but the way insects and other small bugs terrorize our lives is not. They often fly in our personal space, land on us, and even bite us whenever they see fit. Some bugs are harmless like fruit flies and lady bugs while others like mosquitos are the bane of our existence. Even though these bugs are annoying and cause some discomfort, they are hardly ever deadly.

Although the bugs and insects mentioned above are relatively harmless, some bugs and insects are flying and crawling around that are deadly. Michigan has several invasive insect and bug species that are much more dangerous than the common insects we encounter regularly. When you hear the words assassin bugs, your ears perk up and you're instantly concerned and tuned into the conversation. Well, there are assassin bugs in Michigan and they got their name due to their ability to be deadly.

Alright, time for you to be a little more spooked than you already are, as the term Assassin bugs doesn't refer to one species but instead is a blanket term for several species of invasive insects that can cause death. Michigan is home to many different kinds of assassin bugs like the Spotted Lantern Fly, Spongy Moth, Japanese beetle, and Brown Marmorated Stink Bug to name a few.

Read More: 8 of the World's 12 Deadliest Bugs Are in Michigan

Although these are all animals that can carry diseases or cause other damage to the environment around us, they are nowhere near the most concerning of the assassin bugs out there. The scariest assassin bug in the world is the Kissing Bug, which is known to be so dangerous because it can carry Chagas disease which is deadly to humans.

Kissing Bugs are not common in Michigan but there have been several reports of Kissing Bug sightings within the borders of the Mitten State. This means that getting a smooch from a Kissing Bug is possible while living in Michigan, but up to this point, there have been no Chagas disease cases reported in Michigan.

9 Bugs That You Need to Kill Immediately

Here is a list of 9 bugs that even scientists agree should be killed if you see them around your property.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

The World's Deadliest Bugs That Can Be Found in Michigan

These creepy crawlies can be lethal, and they can be found in Michigan.

Gallery Credit: Jacob Harrison

10 Invasive Plants & Insects You Should Destroy if You Spot Them in Michigan

Unfortunately, Michigan has a long list of both plants and insects that are invasive. Here's what to be on the lookout for.

Gallery Credit: Michigan.Gov

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