Watch Out For These Hazards On Michigan Roads
Driving can be one of the most fun things to do but it also can be one of the most dangerous things we do in our everyday lives. There are tens of thousands of car accidents every year and some of them are fatal. Granted, I believe that most car accidents can be avoided by people paying attention and not being in such a rush but other times, it's not their fault as there are so many different factors.
One of those factors are the road conditions because it is no secret that the road conditions in Michigan are some of the worst in the country. Michigan roads are great because we aren't a toll road state and rely on taxes to fix our roads, plus the drastic weather we experience has longing effects on our infrastructure. So, while road conditions may be a concern, they aren't the topic at hand, instead this is about the things that just pop up on you while driving.
I'm not going to sit here and act like everybody who has every crashed a vehicle is to blame because that wouldn't be true. If I'm being honest, a couple of winters ago, I hit black ice, slid off the road, and smashed into a tree. So, there are tons of variables that could cause a crash other than someone being distracted. Although other factors may be in play, playing attention and being diligent while driving is the most important thing you can do.
One of the scariest things about driving is that things can just pop up in the middle of the road or just dart out in front of your vehicle giving you little to no time to react. Most often this happens with animals like Deer, possums, and other small/medium sized animals. Many people don't report these accidents to the police or their insurance companies because their vehicles are fine but other times it's a much bigger deal.
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Animals may be the most common thing that darts out in front of your car while you're driving but they are not the only culprits. In fact, there are a number of things that could leap in front of your vehicle and ruin your day. Below is a list of things that tend to dart out in front of cars and cause accidents.
Watch Out For These Hazards On Michigan Roads
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