I've always wanted a motorcycle and part of me still does but the crash, injury, and death statistics are a concern. Nonetheless, motorcycles are some of the coolest vehicles invented and are used to bring people who have common interest together. Everybody who rides motorcycles will tell you that they ride but some of them will also say that anyone can ride but everybody can't be a biker.

The stereotypical biker that you think of is partially correct as many of them do dress in leather, have long hair or big beards, and hang out in large groups. Although these parts are true, just like any other stereotype there are parts that couldn't be farther than the truth for most people. Most bikers will tell you they aren't rude, the don't like to be confrontational, and they definitely aren't bullies but they will stand up for what is right.

There are biker gangs all over the country and each of them have their own names, swag, ideologies, and rules that set them apart from the others. One of the most iconic biker gangs in the entire United States is the Hell's Angels who have bikers in most of, if not all of the 50 states. Most people have heard of the Hell's Angels and could probably describe them if asked but how many people know the rigorously strict rules they obey?

In order to maintain their status within the Hell's Angels Biker gang they must continue to obey the following rules:

  • Thier Ride Order Is Always Based On Superiority: They have a hierarchy just like any other organization and the top dogs always lead the pack with the president at the very front with no exceptions.
  • Talking To The Press Is Off Limits: Confidentially and loyalty are some of the most important qualities to the Hell's Angels and they have kept their business to themselves by following this golden rule.
  • No Fraternizing With The Enemy: AKA other biker gangs. Even though they have the same interest most things don't leave the charter, no intermingling of business whatsoever.
  • No Member Left Behind: No matter the situation, no member is left behind by the rest that includes injury, being pulled over, or other circumstances. They will all stop and rally around the member to help any way they can.
  • Donating or Helping With Charity: Helping those who are less fortunate and volunteering at events like toy drives, soup kitchens, and others are a prerequisite as it is all a part of being a good citizen and person.
  • They're Not Allowed To Work For Law Enforcement: In order to continue evading law enforcement and keeping any illegal activity a secret, members are not allowed to have ever worked or actively work for any kind of law enforcement.
  • Strict Dress Code: Normally, this will revolve around the traditional "biker" look, which involves a lot of black, denim, leather, and sometimes even camouflage.
  • No Women: This includes wives and girlfriends as they aren't allowed to know any club business. There is no known reason behind the long-standing tradition, but it does still remain heavily male-dominated.
  • Missing Members Aren't Reported: This is something that has happened in the past and still happens, membership in the Hell's Angels is for life which means they keep these matters to themselves, and the brothers decide how to handle it.
  • No Drugs or Alcohol: Less powerful substances are okay to use at home or in personal time but no use of more powerful substances and no use of any substances at club meetings whatsoever.
  • Unanimous Voting: A prospect may only be inducted into the Hell's Angels Club by unanimous vote, so just 1 person can stop a prospect from advancing within the club
  • Harley Davidsons?: They aren't mandator but are more than encouraged, the most precious thing to a Hell's Angel is his ride and his coveted vest.

These are just the most important rules for them to know but there are many more that you can find online. Being's apart of the Hell's Angels is more than just riding bikes and wearing cool gear, it's a lifestyle that they care a lot about and take very seriously.

The Rules of The Hells Angels

The Hells Angels started in 1948 in Fontana, California, with a group of World War II veterans who were motorcyclists. Now, they have chapters all over the world. There is a strict code that must be followed no matter where in the world you are.

Gallery Credit: Facebook

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