Driving a vehicle can be one of the scariest yet most fun things you'll ever do in your life. Whether you're just riding around town with friends, on your way to work, or taking a road trip to another city or state, time spent in a car can be fun. The music is bumping, stories are being told, and games are being played, but at the same time the driver is nervously paying attention to everything happening around them.

Drivers have it tough as they have to manage the conditions inside of their vehicle, so they aren't distracted but also have to be paying more than enough attention to the drivers around him in order to keep themselves and other passengers safe. With that being said, everyone isn't as cautious or aware as others, creating accidents and crashes. Some people don't stick around for the authorities to arrive, that's called a hit and run, in which Illinois drivers do more than every other state but one.

Now, this isn't factoring every car crash into this study, instead they are only taking a look at fatal crashes across the country. California came out as the worst state who had a little more than 1/10th of their fatal accidents involving a hit and run with official numbers of 18,137 total, 1,901 involving a hit and run, which equals a 10.48%. So, how does Illinois who is 2nd on the list compare to the sunshine state?

The Land of Lincoln may be second on the list, but their numbers are much more favorable than those in California. Illinois had 5,183 total fatal accidents and only 452 of them involved a hit and run. This would compute to 8.72% of those accidents being hit and run. That's only 1.5% better than California and .21% worse than New Jersey.

This data was collected by Personal Injury Firm Suzuki Law Offices and the NHSTA between the years of 2017-2021. They have the national average at just 6.33% which puts Illinois well above that. The only neighboring state that is above the nation average is Michigan who is only ranked 14th with a 6.83%. Be careful driving through Illinois because you have the second highest chances in the country of experience a hit and run.

To help you out a little, below are the 25 most fatal and dangerous counties to drive through in the state of Illinois.

Top 25 Illinois Counties With Most Fatal Accidents and Most Dangerous Roads

What are the most dangerous places to drive in Illinois?

Gallery Credit: JB Love

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