Can You Sell A Haunted House In Michigan?
As an avid fan of "Ghost Adventures" on the Travel Channel, I love a good haunted house. As morbid as the show can be sometimes, I just really enjoy its history and showmanship. Whether a place is really haunted or not, the belief in something being "haunted" is very real.

So when the time comes for these places with evidence (or "evidence") of a place being haunted, how easy is it to sell a home with this type of label on it? As you might expect, it can be a fright.
What Is Considered A "Haunted House"?
Before we get into how these haunted houses tend to sell, it's important to understand what makes a house be deemed as "haunted'. While there are no legal parameters for classifying a home as haunted, it relies more on whether the public considers the place as haunted.
READ MORE: Realtor Draws Attention With 'Not Haunted' For Sale Sign |
In 1991, the New York Supreme Court set the legal precedent regarding haunted house sales in Stambovsky v. Ackley. The court ruled that sellers must disclose whether a home is publically perceived as haunted before a sale is finalized. New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, and Minnesota are the only states with specific laws regarding haunted homes.
How Well Do Haunted Homes Sell?
Unsurprisingly, homes that are marked as haunted are harder to sell. Zillow, the top residential real estate app in the U.S., has an in-depth article answering a multitude of questions related to haunted houses. "Haunted' homes tend to sell for a lower price, but that could be more attributed to the homes being "old and neglected."
Some people don't mind the creepiness of the place and purchase the homes because they're cheaper and put the work into fixing it up. These homes are also sought out by some due to the "novelty" of the property. In the end, a survey found that 35% of people could be convinced to buy a haunted home for the right price.
It all comes down to personal preference. Do you think you could live in a haunted home?
MASSIVE Detroit Mansion Is Part Medieval Times, Part Haunted House.
Gallery Credit: Zillow/Real Estate One