By now, you've probably either seen or heard about the new statue dedicated to MLK in Boston.

It was unveiled on Martin Luther King Jr. Day and is meant to commemorate a moment between Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. and Coretta Scott King. Titled The Embrace, the statue garnered mixed reactions from the public:

From the ground level, it is a bit difficult to grasp the full concept of this statue. I will say it looks more like an embrace when viewed from above:

Whether you love it or hate it, there's no denying that art is often relative. But, before you go laughing at Boston for this choice, take a look at these odd/ugly/weird statues that either were once standing or are still standing to this day in the Midwest.

Specifically, these are from Ohio, Indiana, and Michigan. Check them out:

10 Weird Statues in Michigan, Ohio, and Indiana

It seems that there are a number of weird statues across the Midwest. Have you seen them all?

And those are just a few that I was able to find on sites like Google Maps and Youtube. Check out these websites for even more weird statues in each state:

In fact, there are a number of weird sculptures and statues you can see in Michigan without even getting out of your car:

Weird Sculptures Spotted From Michigan Roads

13 Town Names That Don't Sound Like They Belong In Michigan

Check out these small Michigan towns whose namesake's are located across the globe.