As a kid, every year that Christmas comes around, the joy and excitement of Santa Claus's visits, fill the mornings with fun, and excitement. For the parents and adults in the family, the joy comes with watching the younger kids, the excitement that we once had, and also allowing us to not think about work for a little bit.

But let’s face it, some of us need to take the edge off a little bit during the holidays. It’s not easy, always dealing with the family, as some family members in different families are controversial and difficult to deal with during the holidays.

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I mean, who wants to take a complete mental break from the world and all the stresses that come with it, only to hear Uncle Todd talk about politics?

There’s only one thing that can really take the edge off and get you locked in., Technically there are two since cannabis is now legal in Michigan, but for those who don’t partake, there is always alcohol.

There’s one alcoholic drink Michiganders use to get bombed and grow numb to the nonsense that family members bring to the holidays, according to Cheapism.

It turns out Michigan has tried and through it for the holidays, and eggnog is the preferred drink to get bombed too, as they point out which states prefer the classic Eggnog:


Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Texas, Nevada, Wisconsin 

Eggnog is the most popular Christmas cocktail, unsurprisingly. It’s searched for the most in 12 states. While many people love the rich, creamy drink, others are disgusted by the thought of drinking eggs. If you don’t like the cloying, super thick supermarket stuff, try making it on your own with this Serious Eats recipe, complete with freshly grated nutmeg on top.

There are other great choices out there like buttered rum and Christmas punch. I guess this one gets us wasted easily while keeping us in the Christmas spirit.

Popular Michigan Alcoholic Drinks I Haven't Heard Anyone Order in Years

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