We all strive to be happy with our lives, it's one of the main goals we all have but we can agree that being happy in life is one of the hardest things to accomplish. I think one of the main things that makes being happy in life so difficult is that everyone has a different idea of what happiness is and how to go about achieving that goal.

If I'm being honest, I think that being happy while living in Michigan is much easier to achieve than some other states but there are some barriers that get in the way. Firstly, income here in Michigan can vary a lot depending on your job and location, which as much as people don't want to believe it, money does contribute to one's happiness both negatively and positively.

Another thing that directly affects the happiness of people in Michigan is the weather. Seasonal depression is very real and the winter months in Michigan are a great example of that. Many people feel down during the winter months as most days are gloomy, grey, and cold, and don't even get me started on the snow.

All 50 states were ranked based on which states are the happiest and Michigan didn't have the best results. WalletHub used emotional & physical wellbeing, work environment, and community and & environment scores to create an overall score to find out which states are the happiest in America.

Michigan would end up being ranked as the 31st happiest state or the 19th least happy state in the United States. Depending on which way you view this, you could try and put a positive spin on it, but realistically, the only positive is that Michigan isn't ranked last. Here is how Michigan scored in each of the metrics and their overall score:

  • Emotional & physical wellbeing: 31
  • Work environment: 23
  • Community and & environment: 27
  • Overall: 49.66

Illinois is ranked the highest out of our immediate region at 17 but Ohio is ranked at 40 while Indiana is 36, which means Michigan is doing alright! Are you happy? Do you think this data is accurate or do you think the people of Michigan are happier than some other states?

States Where It's Cheaper to Be Happy Than Michigan

A new study says a single person in Michigan needs a salary of $96,285 to be happy. Here are the 14 states where happiness can be achieved for less.

Gallery Credit: jrwitl

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