In 2018, a man went viral after his mugshot was uploaded to the internet. Now, this isn't uncommon as we have seen tons of mugshots make their way around the internet, but in those cases, it's because someone looks like they're down REALLY bad or many people find the mugshot attractive. This wasn't the case for this man, his went viral due to a mockery of his appearance.

Charles Mcdowell was arrested in 2018 in Florida and by the time he was settled into his cell, he was an internet sensation. His mugshot somehow made its way onto social media and he was immediately given a worldwide nickname, wide neck. Yes, this nickname is a direct reflection of his neck's autonomy. Since then, he has become a rapper and travels trying to grow his brand, and Michigan was lucky enough to see him recently.

Wide Neck made an appearance in West Michigan earlier this week. As you can see below Wide Neck was in Battle Creek a few days ago and made a stop at one of the recreational marijuana dispensaries in town. He was gracious enough to take a picture and this is the only way we knew he was in the area.

I don't believe he was here for a concert or anything else like that, it seemed like he was simply just here to hang out. He made a stop at 100leafs by B & Gotti which is known for being one of the few provisioning centers in the Southwest Michigan area that is stocked with most if not all of the celebrity cannabis strains.

Many people missed him while he was here and was wondering when is the necks time he will be in town? When is his necks album coming out? What's the name of his necks single? Where will his necks show be? Who will he collab with necks? What are his necks move in life? Okay, okay I got to move on to the necks thing on my agenda but here is some of Wide neck's music.

20 of The Best and Worst Illinois Mugshots

Say cheese, Illinois!

Gallery Credit: The Smoking Gu, Beleville PD, Champaign County Jail, McLean County Jail, Montgomery PD, Cook County Jail, DuPage County Jail, East Alton PD, Gurnee PD, Kendell Co. Sheriffs Dept, Lake County PD, Madison County Jail, Oak Lawn PD, Orland Park Police Dept, River Forrest PD, Roselle Police Department, Shiloh Police Dept, St Clair County Jail

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