This has been the name of the game over the last half-decade as all kinds of businesses have had to file for bankruptcy or sell their storefronts. They have all had struggles competing against online ordering while dealing with construction and supply chain delivery delays. This has caused many businesses to lose lots of money and therefore cut costs to recuperate.

We have seen chain businesses filing for bankruptcy and closing stores all around the country. Michigan has seen several places close down over the years including some of our favorite local and mom-and-pop shops, our favorite large department and box stores, to even some of our favorite restaurants and food places. With all of that being said, we're about to get hit with another closing.

Shell is one of the leading gas providers in America but is having trouble turning over on profits. As all of us know, President Trump and his cabinet are preparing to place tariffs on imported and exported goods, which has placed some added pressure on lots of domestic and foreign companies. Shell is a British company that is going to be making expense cuts to keep their profits high.

This means that Shell will join many of the other chain businesses in America that have been closing underperforming stores to save money. Shell announced earlier this week that they would be closing over 1000 stores in 2025. Shell says that much of this push comes from the invention and interest in electric vehicles.

As EVs become more popular in America multiple things will happen. The first will be the price of fuel will rise and people will eventually be priced out or choose to convert. The other thing is that gas stations will begin to close in large bunches as their services won't be in high demand.

They have not released a list of the stores that will be closing but there is a good chance that some of those gas stations will be closing.

Abandoned 1920s Gas Station, Grand Rapids

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