For the longest shoes were made to protect your feet and that was their sole purpose. At some point, someone decided that shoes shouldn't just be for protection but should have a sense of style. Quickly, many people hopped on the train and started to look at shoes as part of fashion.

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This change in culture bred the shoe collecting community which started with people waiting outside of malls for the newest shoes releases to now competing online to win a draw for one of the select pairs. Even if you're not getting the newest shoes on the market, taking a trip to the shoe store can be fun.

You get to spend time looking at all of the different shoes on the wall, finding the ones you like the most, and trying them on. I don't know about you, but the shoe stores were a must stop on every mall trip, comparing the prices and selections available at each store.

Unfortunately, shoe shopping here in Michigan may look different soon as a major retailer is closing some stores. Foot Locker announced that they would be closing 400 locations across the United States over the next two years. 275 of those locations will be Foot Locker stores while the other 125 will be Champs stores, which they own as well, leaving them with 2,400 stores.

In addition to closing some stores they will be making renovations and improvements to 400 stores including new designs to hopefully attract younger customers. Part of the store will be catered to athletes while the other will be catered to "sneaker mavens" who express themselves through their shoe choices.

As of right now, the company hasn't released a full list of the stores that will be closing but it's safe to think that one or more of the Michigan locations may be on the list.


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