We're entering the season of love as Valentine's Day is just around the corner, we have something special for you. The Block of Love contest will give you a chance to win a Visa gift card, VIP Wine Not Tickets, and more!

How to play The Block Of Love

1. Each weekday morning beginning Monday, Feb 5th listen to Da'Jzon around 9:10 a.m. during DeDe in The Morning to find out The Block of Love Song of the Day.

2. Da'Jzon will play that song again sometime in the Noon (12 p.m.) hour.  When you hear that song played again, be the 12th caller at 269-302-2562.

3. Each day one lucky winner grabs a daily prize and is registered for an amazing grand prize!

Each daily winner will receive the following:

  • A pair of general admission tickets to Wine Not, a wine sampling event at the Wings Event Center. These will be given to the 4 daily winners who do not win the grand prize listed below.

Each daily winner is then qualified for the Valentine's Grand Prize:

  • $50 Visa Gift Card courtesy of KC’s Autoland.
  • 1 Pair of VIP Tickets to the 8th annual Wine Not Winter Wine Festival on Saturday, February 17th at Wings Event Center.
  • $50 Uber Gift Card
  • Hotel Stay on Saturday, Feb 17th at Delta Hotels by Marriot Kalamazoo
  • And an Ice Cream Cake from ColdStone Creamery

The Grand Prize is a Valentine's Day set up that anyone would want.  You and a partner, family member, or friend will enjoy a wonderful wine tasting and live entertainment in VIP at Wine Not. With no concern of your limit or having to drive buzzed or drunk because you'll have a paid Uber to the Delta Marriot.


This is the perfect place to end the night as you'll have a paid room to yourselves to kick back and relax.  On top of all of that, KC's Autoland has hopped in on the deal and is providing you a $50 Visa Gift Card and an Ice Cream Cake courtesy of ColdStone Creamery. I don't think I've heard of a better way to spend Valentine's Day!

The daily contest runs from Feb 5th – Feb 9th. Da'Jzon will announce the grand prize winner at 12:15 p.m. on Monday, Feb 12th.

Happy Valentine's Day and good luck!

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