Taking care of your skin is one of the many things that can help with looking and feeling younger, while also trying to extend the years on your life. Many people will wear face masks at home, have their own scrubs and washes, and religiously live by their toners, moisturizers, and other products. All of this can help keep your face looking fresh but can cost you an arm and a leg at least twice a month.

One of the professions that has become more popular over the last few years has been esthetician as more people around the world have taken serious thought about the condition of their skin and looks. Now, many people are foregoing some of the products and choosing to schedule regular esthetician appointments and use less products to manage in between. Kalamazoo is finally saying hello to its first open concept facial bar later this week.

On December 9th, there is another new business opening its doors in Kalamazoo, this time focused on helping those maintain the looks that make them feel young. Oasis Face Bar is one of the leading names in the skin care business. They hold locations in multiple states across the country and are guaranteeing that a visit to their business will put you in skin care heaven.

They are known for offering 30-minuite targeted skin care treatments that they say has reinvented the skin care game. Starting on Saturday December 9th, these skin care services will be available to those in the Kalamazoo area. Their grand opening will be from 11 am to 1 pm and will have beverages, complimentary mini facials, giveaways, raffles, and snacks.

They haven't posted much information about what the Kalamazoo location will look like, what the full-service menu looks like, or what their hours will be like, but we do know their location. They will be located at 3110 Oakland Drive, which is right next to the relatively newly built Consumers Credit Union on the corner of Oakland and Whites/Parkview Roads.

No reason not to look bright and young now that we can keep fresh faces thanks to the Kalamazoo Oasis Face Bar.

DIY Potato Face Mask for Gorgeous Glowing Skin

If you're tired of paying for expensive skin care products, give Mother Nature's favorite facial a try! Check out our simple and easy guide to create your own DIY facial mask using potatoes.

Gallery Credit: Ryan Antoinette Valenzuela