Kalamazoo Bike Week Starts May 13th
Every year the city of Kalamazoo dedicates a week to bike riding and those who like to partake in the activity of riding bicycles. Between those who like to ride recreationally, those who ride together in groups, spin classes, workers who bike to and from their job, and competitive biking there are tons of riders within the city and around city limits.
This year marks the 12th year that the city will celebrate the act of riding a bicycle as they look to promote bicycle riding. The city of Kalamazoo does partner with Portage and other surrounding cities/towns/townships to put on the event. There are plenty of events set up throughout the week to draw residents out and on bikes.
The Kalamazoo Bike Week's Co-Chairs Kalamazoo Mayor David Anderson and Portage Mayor Patricia Randall will lead the Mayor's ride on Sunday, May 20th the end of the week but also do a lot of the work to help organize the event as a whole.
On top of being one of the oldest and most jam-packed bicycle-themed weeks in the country, they are looking to place spotlights on the following things to show how easy it is to take a bicycle ride throughout the week. Those things include:
Locally available bicycle clubs, riding groups and shops
Group riding on roads and trails
Using bicycles for everyday transportation and running errands
Lessons on how to get bikes ready to ride and how fix a flat
Bike Camp and Bike Rodeos - teaching safe riding skills for adults and kids
Local bicycling developments
Mountain, dirt & gravel rides
Public safety messaging
Bike show featuring exceptional bicycles
Bike-related nonprofits
They also want to make sure that people are safe while riding but also have ways to give if they want to provide a ride for someone as there are lists of bike safety tips, maps, and safe passing yard signs on Kalamazoo-area Bike Week's website. You'll also find ways to donate bicycles and drop off bike tires and inner tubes for proper disposal at no charge.