Over the last decade or so, dollar stores have taken over the country, and seems like there is a new one going up every couple of months. They are literally only separated by blocks in many cities and their chains only seem to be growing larger. One of the most common dollar stores we see across the country is Dollar General.

The trademark black and yellow sign that reads "Dollar General" has plagued so many of us. Often times we see construction occurring on a formally closed business and assume that the large conglomerate will be taking its place, and often times that's a correct guess. Even in Michigan, we see a large number of Dollar General locations throughout the state, unless you live in this one county that has NONE. 

I know right, it's like impossible to believe that there's even a spectacle of land that doesn't have a dollar store or more accurately a dollar general someone in its parameters. Well, think again because it's true and those of us in Michigan get a chance to brag about it. Leelanau County located in the northwest portion of the lower peninsula, is the county that many of us which our counties followed.

They are cited as saying that Dollar General is not the type of business that they want in their county as it disproportionally affects minority communities while also taking business away from local stores and forcing them to shudder.  Dollar General has grown to over 19,000 locations but is having trouble expanding as Leelanau County has set an example for similar areas.

As of now, Leelanau County can continue holding on to the crown as the only county in the entire state to not subscribe to the business model of Dollar General, although this may not last for long. As home occupancy reaches a high of 69% in the summer but drops as low as 9% in the winter, they may need some help.

They are worried that their low population rates throughout the year outside of the summer months may not be enough to maintain the locally-owned stores while most of the population is away. So they may not have a Dollar General or other box store now, but there may be one coming in the near future.

Take a Look at Dollar General Ex-CEO’s Mo’ Money Mega Mansion

Hey Dollar General: Why Are These Items NOT A Dollar?!

False advertising to the MAX.