Michigan’s Memory Lane Drive In Removes Food Policy
One of the long-standing past times for residents in the United States is Drive-In Movie Theaters. Piling into the car with family, friends, loved ones, or solo and taking the trip to the nearest Drive-in to watch two movies is still something that people look forward to doing on the weekends. Michigan still has a few and they are PACKED during the summer season.
Michigan has a handful of these nostalgic Drive-ins throughout the state and they all have different rules. For the longest Memory Lane Drive-in has been operating in Monroe, Michigan, rolling in dough as they were able to provide nearby moviegoers with their favorite or newest releases from the comfort of their own car. Since Covid things have been different and they are making changes to their food policy as they hope to raise profits.
Since its inception back in 2021 the Drive-in has always been open to attendees bringing outside food and beverage to enjoy during the movies. This is a common rule across most Drive-ins but some do have stricter rules and insist that outside food and beverages are not permitted, earlier this year Memory Lane tried to be one of those Drive-ins.
They have been citing profit margins that are lower than the previous years and are worried they may have to shutter their doors at some point due to the amount of money they are losing out on. They did their best to implement the no outside food rule and I don't think it went that well.
As you can see above they decided to allow those in attendance to once again bring their own food. They noticed that most families or other attendees are stopping at fast-food restaurants before making their way to the Drive-in and decided to remove their ban and simply ask for help.
Most people who go to a Drive-in like to support small businesses, so Memory Lane went along the lines of just asking for help. They dropped pictures of some of their popular items and suggested that those coming would consider purchasing food from their concession stand to help fund Memory Lane.
Here are some of the top items on their concession stand menu.
Monroe Michigan Memory Lane Drive in Concessions