Southwest Michigan Joins The “Buy Nothing” Facebook Trend
Facebook groups and marketplace have become a go-to for a lot of individuals to find the affordable things they need quickly. You can find all kinds of things from household appliances and electronics to clothes and even food.
However, in Marketplace, you have to purchase them. In these new groups, things are a little bit different.
The "Buy Nothing" groups started popping up during the latter half of 2019 and since then, they've gotten very popular and have become one of the hottest Facebook trends this year. Everyone is trying to get into a "Buy Nothing" group as it makes finding things you need for life simple.
What Is A "Buy Nothing" Group?
These are groups that are based off of geographical location and are made up of individuals looking to help one another out in the most compassionate ways. The idea of the "Buy Nothing" groups is that members will share pictures/statuses of items they no longer have a purpose for.
The thing that's crazy about the items that are posted is that they are all free, they are literally just giving away these items out of the kindness of their hearts. Most things are posted in the "as need basis" mindset, meaning that they are hoping for the person who claims the item is someone who actually. needs it.
What To Expect In A "Buy Nothing" Group?
Most "Buy Nothing" groups are based off the people who live in their community to help the people they care about but to also make pickups/drop-offs easy as well. There will most likely be a questionnaire at the beginning asking for your home address and activity on social media/community, following this is probably a list of rules to agree to.
After that, as long as your answers are within their standards, and you agree to follow the rules they will accept you into their group and you can begin to claim posted items or post your own items that you want to give away.
Where They At?
Just within Southwest Michigan, there are TONS of "Buy Nothing" groups scattered throughout the region and some cities even have multiple "Buy Nothing" groups within their limits.
Buy Nothing Groups In Southwest Michigan
Bigger cities like Kalamazoo, Grand Rapids, and St Joseph have multiple groups and have been in the game the longest while smaller cities like Battle Creek, Richland, and South Haven have gotten their feet wet more recently.
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