The last couple of years have been interesting for the residents of Kalamazoo as the city has continued to change yearly. This isn't necessarily a bad thing but the city and its residents may feel different depending on the changes that are made. The last few years have brought about changes in the policies and even in the infrastructure but there's one industry that has seen more turnover than others, food.

The restaurant and food industry has been hurting tremendously since the COVID-19 pandemic. Many mom-and-pop shops, chain restaurants, and startup locations have had to close up shop because the expenses began to outweigh the income. For one Kalamazoo restaurant, the reasoning behind their closing is the complete opposite which is blowing everyone's minds.

Cookie's is a Creole and Soul Food cuisine-based restaurant that is located on the corner of Douglas St and North St in Kalamazoo's Northside Neighborhood. They opened up shop just under a decade ago and became an instant hit as they shared their favorite southern recipes while introducing others to the Creole culture. Now, they have to be the bearers of bad news to all of their customers as things have changed.

Cookie's is going to be closing its doors after just 9 short years of business in Kalamazoo, although this news is sad, it comes with a lot of positives attached as well. For example, Cookie's took over a building that has had multiple restaurants call it home in the past, but none stayed as long or were as successful as Cookie's. Also, Cookie's has another subtle flex to brag on, and it's actually the reason they are closing.

As you can see in the Facebook post above, Cookie's is closing its doors and its last day of business will be Sunday, September 15th but it's not because they are failing. Instead, Cookie's has so much business in its current location that it must upgrade and find a better place to service its customers.

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Although they are closing temporarily, they have expressed plans to be open again soon and to find somewhere that is larger and more suitable to the volume of customers that they receive. While they are leaving for some time they do encourage everyone to stop in for their last taste for the time being and appreciate everyone's support.


Inflations, online shopping, and bad business deals are causing many massive retailers to shut down. Check out 12 of the most recognizable mega stores that are cutting their losses and shutting down this year.

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