Vicious Intestinal Parasite Hospitalized Many in MichiganVicious Intestinal Parasite Hospitalized Many in MichiganThere is a vicious intestinal parasite that is causing problems for many people throughout the country, including in Michigan. Lisha B.Lisha B.
New Covid Variant With Bizarre Symptoms Could Reach OhioNew Covid Variant With Bizarre Symptoms Could Reach OhioNow all of the original symptoms like fever, dry cough, aches, shortness of breath and more but these new factors are more behavioral than physical. Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes
Watch Out For Strong New Covid-19 Variant in MichiganWatch Out For Strong New Covid-19 Variant in MichiganSymptoms to watch out for with the new, highly transmittable COVID-19 HV.1 variant in Michigan.Dana MarshallDana Marshall
Covid-19 Back in Michigan, Should We Panic? Covid-19 Back in Michigan, Should We Panic? Granted this isn't as big of an issue now as vaccines have come out and there is more research about the virus available, but realistically until this is at a level where it doesn't take an entire team or office out, then we're in trouble. Da'Jzon HughesDa'Jzon Hughes