Every time we turn our heads, another product or food item is taken off the shelves for a recall. I am not saying that recalls shouldn't exist because they keep us safe but there are so many recalls that it's starting to make me wonder about some things. I don't know about you, but the USDA and FDA should have stricter guidelines.

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In my humblest opinion if companies cared more about our health than they did their wallets we wouldn't be in this situation. I also feel like there should be some consequences that would make these companies pay more attention. At the moment, they are just required to take the product off shelves and provide refunds, but what if there were harsher penalties?

Boar's Head is a Florida-based meat packaging company that has spread globally. They found themselves in some trouble last year as one of their factories was shut down for unsanitary conditions after there was a deadly listeria outbreak. The USDA has issued another warning against the company after inspecting several of its plants across the country.

Boar's Head has plants all over the country including one here in Michigan, which they need to keep their production at a high level. The USDA recently toured their facilities and came across some unpleasant sights. They documented that they had seen meat and fat residue left on equipment and walls, dripping condensation falling on food, mold, insects, and other problems dating back roughly six years.

One inspector even described one of the rooms in the Indiana facility as "general filth" which I can only imagine means there were just unsanitary conditions throughout the room. Boar's Head is currently facing several lawsuits due to the Listeria outbreak from their liverwurst and this surely doesn't help their case.

Below are many of the infractions that the USDA has cited Boar's Head for:

Equipment “covered in meat scraps” in 2019.

  • “Dry crusted meat from the previous day’s production” and “dark, stinky residue” left behind in 2020.
  • A doorway covered in “dried meat juices and grime” in 2021.
  • Green mold and flaking paint in 2022.
  • “Unidentified slime” and “an abundance of insects” in 2023.
  • A puddle of “blood, debris and trash” in 2024.

Although all of this has occurred, the Holland, Michigan location was cited to be one of the cleaner facilities within the company as the records and documents show that many of the infractions seen in the other facilities weren't present at the Holland plant.

Beware of the products that you decide to purchase or use from Boar's Head and check for any recalls that may be associated. If you have any recalled Boar's Head meat then you may be able to return it for a refund.

2024 Food Recalls

Many foods have been recalled from grocery stores in 2024. Here are the ones you should know.

LOOK: The 10 largest product recalls of the last decade

Estey & Bomberger, LLP compiled a list of the top 10 product recalls since 2007, ranked based on the number of product units recalled in the U.S.

Gallery Credit: Beth Mowbray

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