The hackers and scammers have started to become more creative and selective in the way they carry out their activities. Most scammers are trying to do something different than the rest, but they all have the basic game of being deceiving. While some will attack your email or social media accounts, some have decided to attack personal phone numbers. We all know about the scam calls and generally ignore them but now there is a new phone tactic being used by scammer that Michigan residents should be aware of and ignore as well.

Read More: Michigan Ranks #1 For Most Citizens Living in Financial Distress

They have found several ways to navigate and hack systems to gain access to the information they are seeking. In the past this has caused many issues for people in their personal and professional lives. As more technology is used there are more tactics that come out. Scammers have been terrorizing citizens and businesses for years as technology took over and has continued to revolutionize the world.

The newest tactic being used by hackers and scammers are text. There are dozens of different text scams out there catching people slipping every day. There are 5 common types of texting scams that are being used every day, those texting scams are:

  • Phishing
  • Malware Distribution
  • Financial Fraud
  • Identity Theft
  • Impersonation Tactics

Financial fraud is exactly how it sounds, a ploy for them to gain access to your financial records or card numbers to make unauthorized purchases. Identity Theft is one of the scariest scams that's out there, they are literally taking your personal information and living as if that is them. Lastly, impersonation tactics are just actions taken by scammers to impersonate someone else or a business to gain access to your personal data.

Phishing attempts are various methods use to try and obtain your personal information like passwords, credit card and social security numbers, and more by posing as an organization or using links. Malware Distribution is a tactic where scammers send a link or attachment that downloads malware on to your device. They are then able to steal personal data, track online activities, or even take over your device.

Now that you know the difference between the different types of scams and how they can appear in text, here is a list of 24 text scams that you should ignore if you live in the state of Michigan.

Don't get fooled: Here's 24 scam texts I received in just one month

Although some may be humorous, others appear legit. Here are 24 texts I received in just one month's time, as well as one I'm surprised I never got.

Spam texts are listed in the same order that was received.

Gallery Credit: Mike Brant

Ranking States with Most Online Scams

Here's a state-by-state look, using data available from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), ranking states by total amount of money lost to fraud.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

10 Biggest Costco Scams Affecting Michigan That You Need To Know Now

Gallery Credit: Jessica Poxson

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